Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Hero's Loss

It and how you know it sometimes. I’ve talked to The Hero for months on end, getting my hopes up just to be crushed by him time and time again. Its weird...I don’t know why I put faith into him over and over again. Cause this time, I’m done. I have no idea why he plays these games with my emotions...but he does and he wins every time.

This time I win. It’s his loss, not mine.

I wonder about him, and tears still come to my eyes when I try to IM him and he ignores me, or when I send an email that goes unanswered. I guess that’s his immature way of saying he’s not interested...

I am sad in some ways, more in what could be and the things I believed about him as a person. He was so sweet and genuine...or was he? Since allot of the time, he wouldn’t tell me about himself until I asked the questions. I also wonder about what his true intentions really were. Were they about me...or for some girl that would be waiting for him when he returned? Would I have been waiting? Maybe so, maybe not.

I am better off without him in my life, he has anger issues from past relationships, and he has so much more baggage then I'm sure I could deal with. But my heart breaks thinking about him and a smile that I've never seen face to face. But I'm better off, because I deserve better that that. It’s The Hero's Loss, NOT MINE... (He's not my hero anyway)

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