Sunday, January 28, 2007

Anchorman is just fun

Anchorman came over tonight. YUP.

I was happy to see him, we both still had our secret smiles on our faces as our eyes met for the first time since Martin Luther King Day.

I wanted him…dumb as it is. I miss him and hearing his dumb jokes. I don’t know what I’m doing, what we are doing?

As I’ve said in the past few months…I’ve come to realize once again…I’m ok. I’m ok with the things for right now. You know? I am just going to use him…the same way he is using me. Is he using me? I don’t really know to be honest… I just know that deep down I am looking for something more. Something better. BUT, until this happens and comes into my life…why cant Anchorman and I continue to have some fun. I have no label for what we are doing…I am just saying we are having fun. And it is…

So every time I start to obsess about what’s next with him… I need to realize I don’t really think I want anything more with him to be honest. And you know? I am ok…I am ok with the way things are. Because in the long run, he annoys the hell out of me as much as he excites me.

I was talking with much needed friends today…and was asked… “Where do you see it in 5 years from now?” That kind of made me laugh. I have no idea what next month will be, let alone in five years. So, I know I don’t like him in that way. When he makes little comments about this or that, I think…ok that and he is just annoying and to deal with that for day after day…nah…couldn’t handle it. And he is kind of selfish, he never cares what I want or need…he says he does, but deep down he really truly doesn’t give two shits. He rarely makes set plans with me, and it’s his way or the highway. SO, until I get tired of it, which might be sooner rather then later, he just might get the boot. BUT< I haven’t decided yet when that will be just yet.

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