Monday, February 19, 2007

Standing up The Lawyer

I stood someone up last week. I couldn’t believe it. I actually didn’t do it intentionally, but it did happen…or he felt like it happened. I forgot to get his number…and he never got mine. I have been talking to him for a few weeks actually. Even mentioned him here once, The Lawyer to be exact.

We never exchanged phone numbers and I was running late. The traffic was crazy…and there was no way I was making it for our 6:30 meeting time. I got to the place at 7:00 on the dot…but he was nowhere to be found.

I sat at the bar and thought…hmm am I turning into a player…or maybe I’m like all the guys that I never met in the past. I wonder now what ran across there minds and how many girls they were talking to and juggling. Cause…I always have to have a few at once now. One is not good enough…if I have just one…to much thought goes into just him…so when I have at least 2 or 3 or 4, I can split my thoughts into all of them, and not just one. Then I can’t get hurt when one doesn’t work out. Since I have 3 more to fall back on. So, I feel bad that he had the feeling that I stood him up…he had to sit or stand and wait for this person that never came. I wonder if he looked at every slightly chubby girl walking towards him and wondered if that was me? I have done that every time I am the first to arrive.

I have a lot going on right now…so the guys are actually second in my thoughts…that is nice…a first in months.

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