Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Harvard Date

I went out tonight with that guy. He was nice, didn’t pay... so friends it is. That’s my deciding factor these days, if they don’t pay...then we will be just friends...if they do pay then they want more.

The date went well enough, besides my mind being elsewhere. He was a gentleman, holding doors, and we had a lot to talk about. He was very interesting, learning his culture, even though I skipped drinking because I found out that Muslims do not drink. After dinner, we walked around Harvard Yard, a first for me…it was interesting to see an Ivy league school, be walking where famous leaders have walked before. Over all it was a nice night.

Although, what I do know is that right now I’m caught up on Anchorman and The Hero. What ifs and what happen, verses what could be with the guy sitting across from me eating Mexican? It’s not fair for me to meet anyone else right now, even to just forget someone else. Then I think about the guys I’ve been out with in the past few months, maybe they were trying to forget too.

Its funny how I am not nervous anymore. When I first started dating this summer, my hands would sweat and my heart would be doing the Macarena in my chest. After a date or two, I started having a drink or two to calm my nerves before every date. I even wondered at one point, is the making me an alcoholic? But, tonight I was totally fine. Maybe it is something that does just come with practice, time. Nerves slowly go away. But along with nerves is the excitement of the unknown. Now, I might not be nervous, but I’m not excited either. I feel nothing to be honest, I just kind of numb. Even when I met Anchorman for the first time, he had a nice smile and we talked allot, but at first...yup numb. It was after the first date that I started to really like him.

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