Thursday, May 31, 2007

Workin it

I started a new job this week. I am in love...yup...its a great thing I must say. And it isn't with someone green eyes or smile...its with everything and anything about this new place. As you know...everything will have its ups and downs and I hope my honeymoon will last for a few months at least.

I was at work today and realized that I hadn't thought of Anchorman in days...or any other the other males in my life...didn't even want to go on Match to search for anyone interesting.

Its funny because last summer...actually almost a year ago...I decided that I wanted to date...I wanted to live my life for something besides my career. For the past 27 years...I had lived my life for yes other people...but also for my job...whatever it was at the time. I moved here wanting to start a life. I wanted to wake up at 55 and have a life...not just a career. The dating was a good way to start.

And here now I am one year later thinking that the career way is a good way to start with moving on from dating. I mean I still want to from time to time...but for the next few weeks I want to see who I can become. I am so much more confident in myself when I am at work...then when I am at a bar. Cause I know I'm a good designer...even when Simon Cowell starts going off. I know I am good...or can be

Someday maybe after all these dates and all these boys...I can bring some of my confidence in the work force out into my social life as well. I think part of why I did date this year was because I was so bored...I had nothing day after day that challenged me...except for whoever I was trying to meet at the time. But if I become less bored...IE super busy maybe that will allow me to become me again. When I do go on a date or meet someone new...I will just not give a shit if they like me...cause I know when I go to work and design a beer that someone will drink...hmmm I know that feeling is so much better then the rejection from the night before. Maybe this will be good for me...what will I be like when I am not so bored and working my ass off like in the past...but knowing that I do want the life...friends...

Also besides being busy with work I'm also busy with life and things going on in my family life. Makes me wonder what life is all about...and to enjoy the life you have...cause you have no fucking clue what tomorrow will bring.

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