Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stood Up

I got stood up tonight…it was a whim meeting, which I wasn’t, all that excited about but thought it might be fun…hey something to do right?

I have not looked on CL in awhile…but have been doing Match here and there. I have talked to this one guy off and on the last few weeks or so. He isn’t much of a talker so I thought maybe talking face to face would be easier with him…sometimes it works that way. He has red hair and since we are so close to St Patty's Day, I will call him Mr. Irish.

His profile says:
I'm goofy, witty, and happy-go-lucky, I just like to laugh and have a good time and try and make other people laugh with me. I'm just looking for a girl who's fun to be around and doesn't mind if I'm going to be completely random and incoherent from time to time.

I do love to laugh so I winked at him…

We made plans today to meet at a local pub…I got there and looked around and sat outside until 20 minutes passed…

I honestly think its me telling other people that I got stood up that’s worse then the actual act. I mean I just wasn’t all into it tonight anyway…maybe we should talk on the phone first? I have no idea…but its more the process of walking into my apartment only 30 minutes later and having to tell my roommate why I am back so soon…and see the pity in her eyes. Or calling a friend who wanted to do something earlier that I told I had a date…and listen to him laugh at me. Or telling my best friend how I was stood up for the first time in my life and hear the worry in her voice…and he had my number too…he could have called.

I just checked my email actually and did get one from him. Saying:
I don't know if you showed or not, I tried to call, but I got a wrong number, xxx-xxx-xxxx is what I have in my phone” The number was a 3 not a 6…so he did have the wrong number. But he never said why he never showed…I don’t know what to do at this point in the game. I guess see what is real and what isn’t…if its meant to be that we meet I guess we will. My faiths in “boys” are over though…so I don’t believe anyone these days to begin with, so we shall see.

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