Friday, March 23, 2007


I changed my profile yet again...and sent out an email or two last night...and see---this is one of the responses...

"Thanks for writing to me, but unfortunately, we're just not a good match. Good luck in your search!

Our Portraits didn't match on:
• Physical Attraction"

New Profile just for anyone who cares and wants to give feedback.

"""I am who I am. What kind of person am I? I am smart, witty, and I enjoy laughing and having fun. I want to further my career but I don’t want my career to engulf my life. Now, who is it, you ask, that goes with such a being? Someone easygoing. Someone genuine. Someone who can enhance my life without being my life. Someone comfortable in their own skin and who is OK with my skin, too.

It’s been a challenge, as it’s made me appreciate having close friends, as it’s not the easiest thing to uproot and make new ones! I don’t want to play it safe, as I would much rather live hard and have fun doing it. I can be shy, but I can also be the loudest one at the party. I can do shots with the best of them…or chill out with a dark beer…or even a stiff drink. I am more of a pub girl verses a club girl. I love going to a new restaurant or trying a Phantom Gourmet favorite.

I love going to the movies…something to loose myself for a few hours…although reading does the same. I don’t mind watching a movie at home...if I have someone to enjoy it with. From Old School to 12 Monkeys to Walk the Line…I can watch any movie once.

I love my friends and family, and I am the most loyal person you will meet and the best friend you can have. Along with that, I value highly my family and friends. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am, and I am happier and more fortunate for having them.

Ideally, I would like someone who can make me laugh everyday no matter what. A sweet goofball with a soft place in his heart for me. I want someone with whom to do fun things. I want someone who is more passionate about their life as compared to their work, but who can also say they love what they do. And most importantly…. Don’t skip this part, OK? I want someone who will treat me with the respect I deserve and who can and will appreciate all I have to offer. In return, you get the same.

So if that’s you then why haven’t you started emailing me yet? Wink"""

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