Monday, April 23, 2007

Mr Match wasnt a Match afterall

Mr. Match and I were walking back to my car…it was sweet…the place was pretty dead at 12:30…while he walked me across the parking lot. We get to the car…and he looks really really nervous…hmmm wonder why? Is he going to kiss me or what is he going to do?

“I had a really great time tonight, but I just don’t see this going anywhere.”

Me holding in my pride smiled and said, ”sure that’s fine…its ok really…”

I am not sure what happened…I kind of felt that he wasn’t into it…
1. Was it because I met with Anchorman and was not as into it as I should have been?
2. Was it the way I looked?
3. Was he annoyed about the night before and me canceling on him?
4. Was it that I talked too much trying to fill in the gaps while he was quiet-He said he was tired?
5. Was it someone else he is more into---someone who he hasn’t forgotten either?

We met after I got out of work on Saturday night…and we went and grabbed some food for me and a beer for him…which I bought because he had bought my drinks the last date.

It was a nice time…def not as nice as the previous time…but better then others in my past. So I was a little shocked when he said he wasn’t into it. I try not to think about the negatives…that it def isn’t just me…its not because I’m not beautiful enough or smart enough or interesting enough for him. I don’t know…but I guess it is what it is.

I guess Mr. Match wasnt a match afterall.

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