Monday, August 25, 2008

I am 30!!

I turned 30 today! I had a great day… was excited about my plans with Mr. Friday… He did meet the friends on Friday… and it went good… I could tell he was showing off… and it was ok for the most part… just sometimes I wonder that’s all. Like when the guy that was suppose to start playing the piano at 8 wasn’t playing at 8:05… Mr. F kind of made a comment here and there… and all I could think of was… “Please don’t say anything to embarrass me!” He didn’t thank god!

It was a nice night… he chatted with some friends here and there… I am just not sure right now! It is so hard to explain… For one thing… I am just not sure what we have in common. We sit a lot of the time and I never know what to talk about. He LOVES politics… and yea I should know more about what is going on with it… and have been aware that I need to tune in. BUT, he is so far advanced in that area… and I don’t mind talking about it some… but I don’t get that passionate about it… I am not sure I ever will.

And then there is what happens in our day to day lives… so naturally we talk about that… his parents and mine… the weekend and week… what happened and what is planned… but what about other things? We saw music the first time we hung out… but haven’t since… we both like movies sure… but we can only talk about movies and TV so much. I am just not sure what else to talk about??

This has been on my mind all weekend… then today arrives… and I got a text from him at 9 saying “Happy Birthday!” Which was super sweet…

Tonight arrived… and the plan was to go to dinner and then back to my place to watch a movie or whatever… we arrive at the restaurant/pub. This is one of my favorite places… I have some great memories here… so it was a great place to spend my 30th birthday.

He kind of was in an odd mood from the start… wasn’t an attitude really… just short here and there… I had a coupon for a free meal on my bday… thinking, why not use it. He said when he realized it, “Well since this was my birthday gift to you… I get to buy just my own dinner…” We laughed about it… but… it was cute… but at the same time felt out of place I guess. Then we sat down and I scratched my ankle (I have BAD BAD poison ivy ALL over my legs) and he says ok scratchy…. Hahah… so we laughed and he says under his breath or quietly… not sure which…. “How romantic…” hmmm ok?

We ordered an appetizer and two meals… as we were waiting… we just kind of sat there… we didn’t know what else to talk about… so we tried to fill in the gaps here and there… and he was getting frustrated cause he was starving… and then the waitress brings over gravy for the fries… when we still hadn’t the appetizer yet. He looked at me and then tapped the lady on the shoulder and said, “Hey, why did this come out now? I would have rather gotten a fresh one when my fry’s come out… and our appetizer hasn’t even arrived yet…” She was shaken up… kept saying sorry! So… I was kind of uncomforgatable at this point. I never say much to the wait staff… unless they are bitch and nasty. But it’s not there fault!

So, we continue to wait… while the tables around us are all getting there main course… and we still needed our apps. She came by… the waitress and said that it would be up shortly… he smiled and said, “yea I am feeling a little neglected that’s all.” Hmmm ok? What about me? It’s MY Birthday!

I have been feeling off all day and I thought it was cause of my birth control pills… and when I say off, I mean super nauseous and just not hungry much at all… but it kind of came and went all day… so the apps arrived and I ate some of it… not tons just a few bites. Mr. Friday seemed to have calmed down… I mentioned at one point that it wasn’t the waitress’s fault… maybe something happened with the cook or whatever… he was like “true.” I ate and then the meals come. Our plan was to split the turkey and steak tips… I got one and he the other. He starts to split them and I take a fry. I all of sudden felt super full… I decided to take a breather and go to the ladies room. I was feeling worse by this point… and even thought about throwing up… but I thought I was ok.

I sat down and smiled at Mr. F…. asking how the food was? I drank some water and kept getting nauseous… at this point I had gotten all clammy and pale… and Mr. F could tell something wasn’t right… I said, “I am not feeling so good… I don’t think I can eat anymore right now.” I then decided maybe I needed to go to the bathroom… where I had to wait for the other person to finish. I opened the door to the outside… I was shaking and super pale. I got into the bathroom just in time to throw up all my apps…

After a little bit longer in the bathroom… I come out and he had pretty much finished his meal. He obviously knew I wasn’t feeling great… I said I was sorry… and I hope his food was ok. The waitress stopped by… asking if I would like to wrap up my non-eaten plate of food. I said sure and he said, “She isn’t feeling so good.” We get the check… and he says to the waitress… I feel like we should get some kind of deal for the apps since we waited so long… she ended up giving us 10% off plus I had the coupon for my free meal. I did take notice to what he gave her for a tip… and it was about 15%… more if you used the check he got… with the discounts taken off.

We walk outside and he says, “well since your not feeling good... we can postpone the movie… I also don’t want to get sick for this weekend…” I was like “ok, night… thanks” He kissed me on the forehead and said “goodnight… feel better”

It was an odd night… I am not sure what made me sick… and I am just not sure about this… about Mr. Friday. The whole being rude to the waitress… and on my birthday no less got to me…. It sure wasn’t a turn on! I guess I am also wondering what we have in common? I am not sure right now. I am not going to end it yet… I am not at that point. If this is the end though, I am not going to be surprised and maybe not that upset. I mean I def am liking the thought of having someone I know I will see… someone who pays attention to me. BUT… I am not sure if it’s HIM that I like or the idea of him.

As I said, I am def not going to say goodbye… unless he does it first… but I do see some red signs here… which I am going to have a good look at. Maybe he was in a bad mood… or maybe I wasn’t feeling good and was more sensitive then I realized. The next time I see him could be amazing… I am just not sure right now.

I am leaving the ball in his court for now. The last few weeks have been a mutual decision to hang out… but me getting the ball rolling. I think I am going to take a step back and wait. If he wants me… he knows where to find me. In some ways he owes me for tonight… he needs to want me… I have made the last few moves and now it’s his turn… or maybe this is the end… and we go our separate ways? As I say most of the time these days… we will see!


Anonymous said...

I don't like the way Mr. Friday operates. I don't trust the whole thing- drop him

Anonymous said...

I want to give Mr. Friday the benefit of the doubt about yesterday's story, but the way he acted towards the waitress makes me really uneasy. If he was angry enough to upset the waitress, it concerns me that he might have a dark and angry side that you might be seeing really soon.

Be careful!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you don't get good vibes or there is not a lot to discuss in your dates, it doesn't sound like a good situation. It is best to end the dating with him now and move on to someone with whom you feel a connection, or with whom you feel a sense of something amazing- not a feeling of constant questions and doubts.

Anonymous said...

Red flag. This makes me think he has the potential to be verbally abusive. If he talks like that to a waitress, I bet he could get really nasty in a relationship.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the rest of the comments. Mr. Friday is not right. Go out with the girls and ditch the guys for a while. You should write some blogs about some of your girlfriends and what they mean to you. That's how we get through the hard times and good times--- through the meaningful friendships we make and keep throughout life.