Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Take it or leave it.

"Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. "

OK, so I guess my thinking tonight is if my posts really makes you want to put a bullet through YOUR head...then please do not read this. Sorry, maybe people think I am dumb, BUT I have never said I was going to be perfect here... for me this was the one place where I was finally myself... and you know what? I am sooo critical of myself...the way I look, my weight, my humor and personality, choices and jobs, that this was a place I could go and just write... it is a blog... meant for me to take out my frustrations... meant to be a diary of my dating experiences... if you don't like that I make mistakes and am not perfect like some people, then as I said just don't read it and go somewhere else for your entertainment, because I am tired of the critical comments...about a BLOG!

If you are taking time to read it great... but this is for me... I write most of these entries at 11 at night, trying to flush out frustrations before closing my eyes and seeing it over and over in my head... therefore if I start making this blog be to much work, I am not going to write... I don't have the time to add that into my day... therefore, I am not going to over analyze everything... if you do not like it, then go read someone who is perfect... or better yet go read someone who does this for a living and has multiple people working and proofing entries. This is me... this is my blog...take it or leave it.


Anonymous said...

Damn straight! You go girl.

Anonymous said...

I'll take it! I'm not reading your blog for its grammatical correctness, I'm reading it for your stories!!!

Keep on blogging!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the criticism. If you can’t use the correct use of words, can’t spell, and have no ability to form complete sentences how can you communicate your ideas?
I have to admit the only reason I read your blog is to see if I can figure out what you’re trying to say! I can understand your position as stated in your latest blog, but is it really that difficult to use spell and grammar check? Or maybe you could buy one of those big books with all the words in it. I’m not asking you to be the next Shakespeare but a little proof reading isn’t very difficult. You may even get more readers if they could decipher your writing. Take pride in your blog and take the advice of people who are trying to help you improve it. Ignorance and lack of sleep are not good excuses!

Anonymous said...

Damn straight! You go "anonymous"!!