Monday, August 20, 2007

Ok on the Mustache

Ok...with Mr wasn't just the mustache that I didnt was the little things...I mean yea that makes me seem shallow....but it wasnt just that. It was the little way he would put his fist in the air when emphasizing things. Or he just didnt seem to be enjoying himself? I dont just didnt click...I wasnt having that much was a sign when I wanted to leave after the first drink. Was his Mustache the cause of this? Come on...Im not that shallow...I just used that while describing him. YES...I didnt enjoy it particularly on him...but I would have gotten by it if he made me laugh until me sides hurt. Or if his smile put a flutter deep into my tummy...but none of those things happened...and I do believe it was mutual.

I know honestly not everyone is attracted to the same exact person...our chemisty is mixed...and we find someone attractive where my friend might not and vice versa. So at the end of the day/date...I wasnt into him...was it the personality? some of it sure...was I not attracted? Some of it sure? What do you want me to say? Obviously he was feeling the same things as I...or he would have been in we move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many guys have you clicked with since you first started dating last year?