Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mr Salesman at the Oscars

It has been a few since my last post. I am just not sure what to write...I have been talking The Salesman, we kind of stopped talking some around the holidays but he did contact me again...and we have been talking since.

We finally met a few weeks ago...went for Indian on a cold gray Sunday afternoon. It was nice...he was exactly what I expected. I'm torn about him...he is nice and sweet...but seems unhappy allot. Is it just bad luck on his part? or is he just this way? It is hard to tell at this time...that only thing about all of this...and why I bring it up...is that I feel like since I am apt to be negative...its hard not to be when he is...does that make sense?

He came over to my house Sunday night...to watch the Oscars. Its funny because I did the same thing last year...some guy came over and we watched the 06 Oscars. That was Mr Artsy...wow things have changed since then...but then again have they really? I feel like I am stronger then I was last year at this time....and Anchorman is finally someone in my past...even though it took waaay longer then it should have.

Mr Salesman came over...just the two of us and my roomate on the third floor. I feel really comfortable with him. SO of course I ask the questions...

Is it because I got to know him over the last few months?
Is it because we are friends and nothing else?
Is he playing me and trying to sell me something? so of course i will be comfortable!

I made lasagna and he brought two bottles of wine. We talked...he did finally hold my hand...but he didnt kiss me. I kind wanted to, it has been awhile...ha...but it is what it is...and we just huged goodnight. Maybe next time? Or maybe we wont be anything more then friends...I guess I wont know until I see him again.

Thats all that has been going on in the last few weeks. I decided to stop dating dating for a bit...therefore..dont date to lose weight. I have been focusing on losing weight. My brother is getting married in late June. And I have to wear a sleeveless dress...so I have been going to the gym...doing weights...and eating weight watchers points...very religiously too...I have been strict...and trying to be better.

I feel better though...I feel like my anxiety hasnt been as bad...is that because>

I am rested?
I am not eating as much sugar and caffeine...therefore my heart rate is more regular?
Is it because I am learning to deal with things better?
Is it because I am not really dating...and that's one less stress?

Anyway...that's me and my life for the last few weeks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good you haven't been dating and have been focusing on yourself. That is the best thing to do. You feel better yes, because you are working out and feeding your body the right kind of fuel. Exercise helps with stress. Keep it up.