Monday, September 14, 2009

Finally Happy!

I had friends come in from out of town the other weekend. It was soooo good to see them... I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time... and I came to the conclusion.... I am ok if others don't like me or if I am not good enough for someone.

As long as I have friends who come to visit, who I visit, why spend time with people who don't want you to be there. I have a hard time giving up... stepping away from a friendship. I try and try... and then get hurt when it isn’t shared... when I am always left wondering... if I had said this instead of that... would I have a better friend then this? Or were they ever really a friend at all?

I just realized I am ok with the people in my life... and I am just going to stop trying so hard... I'll be there as long as they are there for me as well.

I also took a ton of pics of me this weekend, and I didn’t care what I looked like in them, and just let people be snap happy any time they desired. I looked at the pics... and for once I can say I think I might be pretty. Not all are great, but I didn’t look half bad. I could never say I was beautiful or hot... but who cares... I looked happy. I actually looked happy.

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