Saturday, January 10, 2009


I think I might have had to much to drink... and it was only 2.5! I am such a light weight! I think I might have a slight crush! Yea I think I have more of those then not these days... but... my heart does the pitter patter when I see him or hear about him... I'm dumb and never think he would be all that interested... so instead I smile and think about just having fun... does he know? does he care? I guess who knows!

Since turning 30 I wonder how old people are... hmmm... do I do this since turning 30 or before... yea I think before turning this ripe old age... I wonder how old people are... like my pharmacist... he is HOT!! and he remembers me! This is Target... how can he remember me everytime? Seriously? Hmmm... he sure is a hotty too! I just wonder how old... hmmm...

I am trying really hard to enjoy single life... but I feel old sometimes... tonight I didn't... but usually its the case! Anyway... wanted to give a somewhat of an update... this will have to do if nothing else!