Sunday, November 23, 2008

Back in again

I went on a crazy blind date last night... I haven't been on one of those in a long time... and for the first time in awhile they hit a double. He was cute... maybe a little young... more in the still have major dreams stage of his 20's rather then the immature young. We talked... laughed... ate and had a beer. We had a lot of similar things around us... similarities I wasn't sure on... but more about the similarities of daily life things. He works within throwing distance from my place... stepped on the same treadmills as I... worked near another place I worked as well... went to school and graduated around the same time as a good friend from Iowa...

I thought it was going well... he paid... we walked out... and as I neared my car... he turned and hugged me and said, "maybe I'll catch you at Second St." I laughed and said sure... hmmm... Ill be honest and say that didn't sound so great... that didn't sound like hey lets get together again sometime... so I waited until just now to send the only email I am allowed until and only if he emails back. Then we can chat... but not until then can we... he was nice enough... but for once I am not going to take it personally that he doesn't call back... I had a great time and I am taking it for what it is... maybe I am at the beginning of a new me!

I did go out tonight as well... and there are times when I hang out and I wonder... I am not saying with everyone... but usually one guy of the group would make me wonder... tonight I did and I wondered even for just a little bit... was he wondering too?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cmon kt update.