Friday, June 22, 2007


So I am now commuting to work instead of driving...I take the bus to one stop and then another bus to the T, and then Ting it to Kendall when I then walk about 8 minutes to the office...repeat in the evenings...except I miss the bus 95% of the time...since the last one runs at 6:55...

Am I crazy that once winter comes and I have to walk over a mile in the dark that that scares me? My neighborhood near my house is pretty safe...but the 1/2 mile in between could be considered sketchy.

Imagine a dark driving by regularly...and we r talking suburbs of Boston here...some street lights...a park to your left with tennis courts and empty space. It scares me to walk alone at night. After the last 11 years of people telling women to NEVER walk alone...why should I? I mean it would be one thing if I was in the city life...if I was near people all around me... but walking in near darkness even at 8:00...I was told tonight that who cares...where we live its the safest place in the country...but is scares I wrong??

Any advice?


Krissy said...

Take a self defense class if you're concerned. I bet it would make you feel a lot safer and more secure...also on dates, like with The Egyptian, etc.

Krissy said...

Oh, and maybe carry a whistle or a keychain that makes loud noise.

Unknown said...

I work in Boston and walk to the train station at night (about 5-10 minute walk). I was nervous at first but I have been doing it for years and nothing has happened. Just make sure that you are aware of your surroundings, walk in lighted areas, and don't do things that are distracting (i.e talk on your cell phone or listen to your ipod). If you stick to the same schedule you may start to notice the same people walking the route you are..if you walk in a group or just behind them it may give you a better sense of security.

KT said...

The problem is there are no people...its late enough that most people are home and Im not in the city city...thats what worries me...